The Last Unicorn

The Last Unicorn (U)

Saturday 22 Mar 2025, 11:00am

Please note that this screening has stepped access - the wheelchair lift for our new screen 3 will be installed in the coming weeks.

The screening is Pay What You Can, which means you’re free to pay as much or as little as you can afford. By paying for a ticket, you will enable us to keep offering Pay What You Can screenings to families struggling with the cost of living. Thank you

Suggested Prices

Band A: £0 - I struggle to meet my basic needs. We have an allocation of subsidised tickets at this price. Please email to enquire about this.

Band B: £3 - I just about cover my basic needs.

Band C: £6 - I can cover my basic needs.

Band D: £9 - I comfortably meet my basic needs.

Band E: £12 - I have expendable income and financial security.

Please note that this screening has stepped access - the wheelchair lift for screen 3 will be installed in the coming weeks.

Choose Seats (Click the Seating Plan to select each Seat in turn, up to 10 in total)


Carer (CEA Card)£3.00
Band B£3.00
Band C£6.00
Band D£9.00
Band E£12.00